Pilot programs target health care improvements

May 18, 2014 - Nanaimo News Bulletin: The Nanaimo Division of Family Practice, made up of more than 100 local doctors, has joined up with Island Health to launch several pilot programs this month that will help improve the transition of patients from hospital to home.

Those involved say the initiatives are meant to empower patients by giving them more information about their care, from a hospital handbook to an expanded discharge summary that allows for the entire hospital team to write instructions. It is a “small test” of  potential health care improvements by working groups dedicated to looking at physician satisfaction, improved patient care and a more sustainable health care system, according to Leslie Keenan, executive director of the division.

Results of A GP for Me survey, distributed last year to gauge local health care challenges, is expected to help the division craft a proposal on how else it can tweak Nanaimo’s medical system.

“The thing that would be important for us as a community is that we are looking at things always with an eye toward sustainability. It can’t be a quick fix,” Keenan said of change to the health system.

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